Membership Criteria to Remain in "Good Standing"

In order to remain as a Professional Member in "Good Standing" with the Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists, a Professional Member must meet the following criteria at the time of Annual Membership Renewal: 
• Submit Proof of 30 Hours of Continued Education and/or Professional Development (Review and/or Up-grading). 
• Submit Payment of the Annual Membership Renewal Fee. 
• Be in Compliance with the Standards, Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.  

Should any of the above criteria not be met, the member will receive notice and be removed from the “in Good Standing” registry and after one year be terminated from the membership role of the Association.  Only members “in Good Standing” can access the Associations Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability Insurance program.  Failure to remain in good standing will result in the cancellation of the Association's Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability Insurance program.

 • Not carrying or cancellation of Professional and Commercial General Liability Insurance that is current. 
• Failure to Affirm and Meet the Standards of Practice, Registration and Code of Ethics of the Association.  

In order to remain as a Member in with the Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists, a Member must meet the following criteria at the time of Annual Membership Renewal: 
• Submit Payment of the Annual Membership Renewal Fee. 
• Continue to Affirm and Meet the Standards of Practice, Registration and Code of Ethics of the Association. 
• Be in Compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.  

Note: All renewal Applications are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.  All Memberships terminate in 1 year (12 months).
